While the Corporation offers a variety of programs and services, its early childhood initiatives have been most heralded. In 1993, the Corporation’s Future of America Learning Center was established. The Learning Center, which focuses on early childhood education and development, provides a high-quality education program for the offspring of working families, setting a standard of achievement and excellence for children and parents.
Nearly 20 years after its establishment, the Future of America Learning Center continues to be an invaluable tool for parents, community members, and youth. Unfortunately, not all parents in the community can afford to send their children to early childhood enrichment programs. With your support, we can help give more children who live in the community the head start that they deserve.
Experience has taught us that by providing a critical head start today, we can ensure a brighter tomorrow. Studies show that those who receive a quality early childhood education are much more successful than their peers who do not. The effects of a solid foundation and a healthy head start yield measurable long-term results.
Parents struggling to give their children a head start, which is particularly important in communities where a child’s future can be predicted before it even unfolds, are often at a crossroads. Educational programs which promote leadership and encourage potential are desperately needed. By helping parents in the community, we help children to develop strong academic skills and place them on the path to becoming active, productive members of society.